Our good friend Susie (from California) sent me a "Rare Bird Alert" on Wednesday that a Berylline Hummingbird was seen in Madera Canyon at Kubo Cabins. Kubo Cabins is another of the premier southwest Arizona bird feeding stations. Madera Canyon has three wonderful sites: Santa Rita Lodge, Chuparosa Inn, and Kubo Cabins. While Beatty's Orchard in Miller Canyon is the best of the Huachuca Mountain sites (followed closely by Ash Canyon, then Ramsey Canyon) Kubo Cabins is the top site in the Santa Rita Mountains. The Innkeeper at Kubo is very nice and welcomes you to sit on her porch to get a better view. There is a "Bird Feeding Donation" bucket which is appropriate for anyone using the site. Now, back to the story. I went to Madera Canyon on Thursday and was there for 3 1/2 hours (7:00 am - 10:00 am) without spotting the Berylline. (Thursday's post was of some of the other birds photographed that day). Yesterday, I received a second email from Susie saying the Berylline was spotted again -- but after 10:30 am. So, I headed out once again to find -- and photograph the Berylline, arriving around 11:30 am. I was there for nearly three hours and saw a Berylline three times. The first time he flew directly to the opposite side of a feeder never hovering about the feeder, just drinking and flying off. So, no photo. The second and third time I was in a better position and got a few photos (not great, but acceptable).
Berylline Hummingbird (male) with Broad Billed Hummingbird (male) |
Berylline Hummingbird (here you can really see the rufous color on the wings) |
Berylline Hummingbird (with the Berylline in flight you can see the rufous color on the underwing) |