Continuing my series on Warblers of Southern Arizona, in alphabetical order, next up and last:
Yellow Throated Warbler
Distinctive Identification Marks: large high-contrast warbler with elongated profile; gray back; bright yellow chin, throat, and breast; strongly contrasting black cheek patch, lores, white under eye arc; heavy white supercilium; white wing bars separate black patch; white neck stripe; bright white underparts; long white tail;
Frequency: Casual in Arizona (15 records in Arizona)
Season: Winter
Range: Eastern United States
Tree Tops
Mid Tree
Breeds in pine forest, sycamore, and riparian woodlands;
Placed high in trees;
Open nests of bark, grasses, and weed stems; lined with hair and feathers;
Feeding Behavior:
Gleaning: perched bird takes prey from branch
Eats insects and spiders
General Behavior:
Where to Find: last two years in Patagonia Town Center;
Chance of Finding: 25% when/where reported; otherwise not likely
in mesquite tree |
in walnut tree |
perched |