Javelinas usually come around at night, but not always. This photo of a javelina nursing her young was taken just outside my office. The office seems to be a great spot for viewing wildlife. Over the past seven years I have seen the following from my desk: kit fox, desert grey fox, coyote, javelina, black tail jackrabbit, bobcat, gila monster, desert spiny lizard, greater earless lizard, desert grassland whiptail, praying mantis, walking stick, tarantula, western diamondback rattlesnake, black racer, desert king snake, sonoran gopher snake, and too many birds to mention including wild turkeys, numerous hawks, and of course, roadrunners. I have seen a roadrunner track down and catch a desert spiny lizard, and then bring him right by my office window to show off. I have seen cooper's hawks sitting in a tree or on the ground by the office plucking feathers out of a dove it just caught. One evening I went out the door from the office and in the parking and surrounding area I counted 23 javelinas. The Azure Gate Office: better than TV.
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