Monday, March 29, 2010

Sweetwater Wetlands

Yesterday, I took some time off to visit Sweetwater Wetlands (formerly called Sweetwater Ponds). Much has been done over the past year to clean out the invasion of "undesirable" plants that had "taken over" the wetlands. And, it would appear that the wildlife is much happier. As you might imagine, Southern Arizona is not like Minnesota or British Columbia or other places where you can't drive ten miles without seeing a lake. They are very few "lakes" (I use that term very generously) here in Southern Arizona.  People here get very excited on the rare occasion when they see a Bald Eagle or an Osprey. For most of you, photos of various "ducks" is probably not terribly exciting. Nonetheless, just to let you know that the desert does have it's occasional watering hole with Northern Shovelers and Cinnamon Teals (above) as well as Mallards, Ruddy Ducks, Coots, and Moorhens. But, this is really hummingbird country. I have photographed 11 different species of hummingbirds here in Southern Arizona. And, Sweetwater Wetlands is no exception. There was a "sweet" little Black Chin Hummingbird that seemed to want me to photograph it, so here he is too. 

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