We had wonderful rains in January and February. The result was a terrific wildflower and cactus blooming season. But no rain since. So all the cactus are "shriveled up," like someone sucked all the life out of them. It is monsoon season here in Tucson. For the past three weeks dark and ominous clouds rolled in and blanketed our sky for two hours late every afternoon. Other than three or four drops no rain here. The Catalinas got rain. The Rincons got rain. The Santa Ritas got rain. The Huachucas got rain. But not us. So, Christine suggested that today's blog be asking for rain. Maybe some of you folks in Seattle wouldn't mind letting us have some. So, here are a few photos from last year's monsoon:
From our rooftop looking East

From the office looking out into the flooded driveway

From the office looking out back through one wet trail

In the meantime, I'll have to be content photographing some amazing skies.
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