Thursday, April 25, 2013

Yellowstone Elk

So I started thinking, after all the times I've been to Yellowstone National Park, I must have at least one "5" Star Elk Photo, right? Are Elk becoming like Deer to me  -- i.e. I just pass them by without stopping? The answer is "sometimes." If I am in Northern Arizona, and I see Elk I try to get a photo -- before they run away. (Elk in hunting areas are hard to find and usually run away as soon as they see humans). However, when I go to Yellowstone, I am looking for, hoping to find, hoping to photograph Gray Wolves or Grizzlies. So when I see log-jams that have stopped to see Elk or Bison grazing by the side of the road, I try to get around them as quickly as possible because I am focused on Wolves and Grizzlies. (Although, I'll stop for Moose). But, occasionally a photo op is too good to pass up, even Elk in Yellowstone. I have a White Tailed Deer like that, and I have this wonderful Bull Elk lying amongst the wildflowers. I guess it warrants a "5" after all. 


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