Some interesting numbers.
Since we started our Bed and Breakfast we have had guests from all 50 states, all Canadian Provences, and 38 countries around the world.
We have had over 4,000 guests, and "plated-up" over 22,000 breakfasts.
Our Blog has been visited over 300,000 times by 141 countries around the world. So far today, countries visiting our Blog include: the US, Philippines, Ukraine, France, Canada, Poland, Ireland, South Korea, Portugal, Australia, Cyprus, Guatemala, and Ireland.
It certainly has been a wonderful and rewarding journey.
On to Today's Post. Continuing with photos from my new book on Birds of Western United States, we come to Finches.
We will start with Lesser Goldfinches which are restricted to the Western US.
There is a subspecies whose back and nape are black often referred to as either Texas Goldfinch or Arkansas Goldfinch. They are less common in Arizona than the Lesser Goldfinch. (See photo below).
Lesser Goldfinch Male |
Lesser Goldfinch Female |
Lesser (Texas or Arkansas) Goldfinch |