Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another Bobcat Story

Our daughter Ashley, who started flyfishing with me in Canada at age 14 (she really became quite good at it), was visiting us at the B&B with her beau Jayson a couple of months ago. We were sitting in the office, just before sunset, when she announces that she just saw a bobcat. Now, we have to take a side trip for a moment back to 1984, when we lived in Washington State. One day our oldest son, Matt, announced that he just saw a deer go hopping through the backyard. Our youngest son, Josh, retorted, "are you sure it wasn't a rabbit?" But, if Ashley who has spent countless days with me in the wilderness says she just saw a bobcat, you can bet that is just what she saw. We all got up and quietly walked around the office to find the bobcat staring down a desert cottontail. Probably 15 - 20 seconds passed when the light turned green and the chase was on. Unfortunately, (for the bobcat) he wasn't successful this time. I suspected I might see him again if I went around the other side of the house and waited. Sure enough, I found him. He was kind enough to let me take several photos, such as the one above.

1 comment:

  1. this was such a fun hike and seek moment with the family. the light was so beautiful as the sun was beginning its desent and we were all out looking for this elegant and sweet cat.
