Another inhabitant of Agua Caliente is the Black Crowned Night Heron. I have never seen "flocks" of them as I have Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, and Cattle Egrets. One of the things that makes the Black Crowned Night Heron is that it changes plumage color as it gets older. You see the juvenile plumage on the left and the adult plumage above. Both of these photos are of the Black Crowned Night Heron. But what is also possible is that there are both of the very same BCNH. Both were taken at Agua Caliente, the juvenile one year and the adult the following year. In both cases he let me get very close, again lying down on my stomach to take photos. It is a rare and exciting treat when this happens; doesn't matter whether it is a bear, a bobcat, or a heron.
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