Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Patagonia Revisited

Yesterday, it was off to Patagonia. Birding in Patagonia has 5! stops. 1) the town of Patagonia, which has a park-like strip 75 yards wide and three blocks long which has lots of birds (and butterflies in season); 2) Patton's, which was the home of the Patton's until they passed away this last year. It is now maintained by the local birding community until final disposition is made. Hopefully, The Nature Conservancy can step in since the Patton's property butts up against TNC Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve and is the only reliable place to see the Violet Crowned Hummingbird; 3) is Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve; 4) the Roadside Rest Stop on Highway 83 -- this is a must (!! stop); and 5) Patagonia Lake.

I'll start today with the Roadside Rest Stop on Highway 83. Here you park at the Rest Stop and walk across Highway 83 and down the slope amongst the trees. There is a wire fence (private property) on the roadside of Patagonia Creek. You can walk along the fence line for several hundred yards. The trick as all birders know is to stand still -- not walk. Let the birds come to you. And they will. Cedar Waxwings, Cassin's Kingbirds, Wilson's Warblers among others. While I was waiting I even had time to photograph a few Mexican Bird of Paradise (beautifully flowering plant). Also, four Javelinas happened to trot down to the creek from the other side. I did walk up the creek about 150 yards to an opening where I could get a better photo if they happened to keep walking along the creek. And, they did as you'll see. Here are a few of the photos from the Roadside Stop:

(Just a reminder you can click on any of the photos and see it enlarged. Some of the photos -- like the Wilson's Warbler are really very nice but hard to see without enlarging).

Cedar Waxwing

Cassin's Kingbird


Mexican Bird of Paradise

Wilson's Warbler

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