Sunday, October 25, 2015

Another Bobcat Photo Shoot

Even though I've been photographing wildlife for 25 years -- including grizzlies, wolves, moose, caribou etc, one of my favorite animals to photograph is the Bobcat. I never tire of seeing them. 

Their diet depends on their location. Here at The Azure Gate rabbits and squirrels are their favorite prey. In other areas ducks, geese, and swans are their premium choice. So, a place like Sweetwater Wetlands that has rabbits, squirrels, and ducks represents an area with a lot of potential.

NOTE: In wilderness areas, Bobcats will take down and eat young female deer. In farm/ranch areas they will take down and eat sheep. There is an organization that reimburses farmers/ranchers who have lost sheep to Bobcats. You may ask "Well, how often does that happen?" The answer is that Bobcats kill around 30 sheep per day in the US.

Okay, back to my story. Last week, I arrived at Sweetwater Wetlands early hoping to find a Bobcat. And, as luck -- or maybe intuition had it -- there was not one, but two young Bobcats. Soon they went their separate ways, so I followed one who was clearly on a hunt. Sometimes I'd follow behind. Sometimes I'd be right along side. And, sometimes I'd be in front of him so I could get a good photo. It didn't seem to matter much to the Bobcat. Never once did he show his displeasure with my being around. And even when I was in front of him he still kept coming. Somehow I think he wanted his photo taken.

So here they are, 8 out of about 200 photos that I took:

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