Saturday, January 9, 2016

Warblers of Southern Arizona: Yellow Rumped Warbler

Continuing my series on Warblers of Southern Arizona, in alphabetical order, next up:

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Distinctive Identification Marks: Streaked breast, flanks, and back; white under eye arc; yellow crown patch, rump, and shoulders; yellow throat in audubon's and white throat in myrtle's; large tail with white spots and black edges;

Frequency: abundant

Season: year round with greater numbers in winter

Range: throughout North America

Mid Tree
Open coniferous forests and forest edges
Often found in municipal parks where berries are present

Cup of twigs, pine needles, and grasses lined with hair and feathers; nests take about ten days to build; 3 to 4 inches wide and two inches high; placed on horizontal branches of conifers (hemlock, spruce, white cedar, pine, Douglas-fir); only occasionally in a deciduous tree; nest can be anywhere from 4 to 50 feet off the ground;

Feeding Behavior:
Gleaning: perched bird takes prey from branch
Hawking: perched bird takes prey from air, similar to flycatchers
Diet more insects in summer and berries in winter
Males forage higher in trees than females

General Behavior:
Very active; constant movement
Often travel in flocks

Where to Find: Municipal parks; lowland streams and riparian areas; all Madrean Ski Island mountains;

Chance of Finding: 90% in fall, winter, and spring; 60% in summer;

displaying yellow rump

eating berries

in pines

in cattails

taking sap from tree

showing streaking

breeding coloration



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