Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ducks: Part III

Part III of Ducks.

There are a great many species of Ducks, Geese, and Swans throughout the world. 51 species common to the United States. (39 Ducks, 8 Geese and 3 Swans).

There are many types of Ducks, and different organizations and/or people have their own "types." Simply though, Ducks are either "Dabbling" or "Diving".  There are 16 species of Dabbling Ducks. They are most often found in shallow water. They eat from just below the surface or by dunking their head under water to glean plants and insects. They may also come on land eating grasses and insects.

In the United States there are 23 species of Diving Ducks. Diving Ducks are agile swimmers and more often found in deeper water. While their food choices include insects and plants, they also catch fish.

You could also classify ducks as "sea ducks" or "fresh water ducks" which is useful information to know.

Green Winged Teal

Harlequin Duck

Lesser  Scaup

Leucistic Mallard Duck

Long Tailed Duck

Mallard Duck

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