Monday, March 18, 2013

Wintering Waterholes in Southern Arizona

First, a milestone for our Blog. Yesterday, we hit the "Century Mark." 100 (now 101) countries have viewed our Blog. The latest include: Mongolia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Trinidad & Tobago, Macau, and Isle of Man. Thank you all for visiting our site.

Saturday, I made what may be the last round of wintering water holes for the season. I started at the Benson Sewage Treatment Plant, then Lake Cochise, and finally Whitewater Draw. Today, Benson STP.

Benson STP is a series of ponds that attract ducks and duck like birds. The viewing area is from only one side of each pond, so if the waterfowl are all on the other side, good photos are not "in the cards." What was there was mostly Northern Shovelers and Mallards, but a few coots, a couple of gulls which I couldn't positively identify,  a few Ruddy Ducks, and at least one Lesser Scaup. 

This is the best I could do:

Ruddy Duck

Lesser Scaup

As you can see, not great photos. I was hoping to find some Buffleheads that had been reported. However, I scoured the ponds without luck. The good news comes tomorrow, when I will show a photo of a Bufflehead I found at Lake Cochise about an hour later.

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