Monday, September 18, 2017

Virginia's Warbler

Continuing to share my warbler photos along with information about each species, from my latest book: "Warblers of Arizona, A Guide to Finding and Photographing Warblers in Southern Arizona." 

If you are interested in purchasing it, please email me at or

Virginia's Warbler

Common Name: Virginia’s Warbler
Scientific Name: Oreothlypis virginiae
Conservation Status: Least Concern, current population estimate is 410,00 but trends are unknown
Size: 4 inches

Description: grayish back and head; white eyering; no wing bars; variable yellow on breast; brighter yellow rump and undertail coverts; long thin gray tail; chestnut crown similar to Lucy’s and Nashville but not often seen
Male/Female: less or duller yellow on throat and breast
Range: Nevada, Utah, and Colorado south throughout Western Mexico
Migration: summer and breeds in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico; winters Pacific Coast of Mexico
Season for Arizona: April through August
Habitat: dense oak and pinyon forests, brushy streamside hills at elevations between 4,500 and 9,000 feet
Community Behavior: solitary or with other Virginia’s Warblers
Feeding Behavior: gleans insects among foliage and twigs; sometimes on the ground; sometimes probing buds and flowers; usually within 15 feet of the ground
Diet: diet is unknown, but presumably includes insects
Nesting Behavior: on ground hidden amongst dead leaves and tufts of grass usually beneath shrubs or young trees; nests are cup shaped and constructed of moss, grass, bark, and roots; 3-5 white eggs with brown spots; male and female both feed the young; incubation and nestling periods are unknown
Where to Find in Southern Arizona: Mount Lemmon in the Catalinas, Huachuca Canyon in the Huachucas, Madera Canyon in the Santa Ritas, and San Pedro River; check ABA Birding News for this species
Comments: much about the Virginia’s Warbler is unknown; in part due to its relatively limited range and population; and part due to it's preference for dense brush

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