Monday, October 10, 2011

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Another favorite place -- that I haven't been to in ten years -- is Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge which is about 90 miles north of Sacramento. There are actual five different wildlife refuges in this complex totaling about 35,000 acres of wetlands.  

I have been there seven or eight times and each time has been different. On one occasion I saw a beautiful male Ring Necked Pheasant in a grassy field. Looking closer, about 25 yards away was an American Bittern. Neither seemed especially bothered by me, although I kept my distance for a while. After a couple of minutes I noticed that their eating patterns were bringing them closer together. So I waited. Maybe ten minutes later they were side by side and viola and nice photo of the two together.

Here they are:

Ring Necked Pheasant

American Bittern

Ring Necked Pheasant with American Bittern

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