Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coatimundi II

I was hiking in the Galiuro Mountains hoping to find Coatis when off to my left high up in some cottonwood trees I saw a Coati moving from tree top to tree top as if he were a squirrel. This is an animal that can weigh up to 20 pounds! I bushwhacked over toward where he was but ended up stopping in the middle of a grove of  cottonwoods. There to my surprise -- and amazement -- were a couple dozen Coatis in the trees surrounding me. I had my telephoto lens on the camera having just shot a photo from a distance (the first photo below).  There wasn't much I could do, as they all started running down the trees and off into the thicket. So, instead of trying to change lenses and take a photo I just watched this wonderful waterfall of Coatis.  The second photo is on another occasion finding a Coati fast asleep in a tree.

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