Saturday, September 14, 2013

Leucistic Mourning Dove

Next up on my series of "5" Star Photos is our Leucistic Mourning Dove. This was a dove that probably hatched five or six weeks ago. He can now be seen daily around The Azure Gate. Albinism is a genetic mutation that prevents the production of melanin in the body. Leucism is a genetic mutation that prevents melanin from being deposited normally on feathers.  Leucism is a very rare condition that affects 1 in 550,000 birds. Typically birds with abnormally white feathers do not survive long because they are so much more visible to predators. Those that do survive may have trouble attracting a mate. Consequently, the mutated genes that cause albinism and leucism are less likely to be passed on to a new generation. However, we are hoping that this little guy will have a nice long life here at The Azure Gate. It is quite beautiful, and looks completely white when it flies. 

Leucistic Mourning Dove

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