Sunday, April 14, 2013

Elegant Trogon

The Elegant Trogon is a favorite among birders around the world. In the US it can only be found in Southeastern Arizona, and typically only from March to September. They don't arrive in big numbers either. 

Often they are found by their "call." They sound like a "seal"  -- 4 to 7 quick barks.

I have seen the Elegant Trogon in the Chiricahua Mountains, Patagonia Lake, Gardener Canyon, Madera Canyon, and in the Huachucas. I remember the first one I saw in the Chiricahuas. I met a wildlife photographer from Australia who said this was his sixth trip to the US looking for the Elegant Trogon. So, sixth was the "charm" for him.

This "5" Star Photo was taken at Patagonia Lake:

Elegant Trogon

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