Thursday, March 17, 2011

Patagonia Lake, Arizona

Christine and I headed out to Patagonia Lake yesterday. Spring birding has officially arrived here in Southern Arizona. And, Patagonia Lake is a premier birding site. The Elegant Trogon had been seen here earlier this week. (Just as it has for the past couple of years). Although we didn't find an Elegant Trogon this trip, the trip was successful; not just in terms of birding but it is always a beautiful hike and another gorgeous day. Anyway, today I will start with the Vermillion Flycatcher. We were hiking around the north end of the lake and then up the Patagonia Creek. As we approached a large cottonwood tree out in the open there appeared to be two male Vermillion Flycatchers chasing each other always returning to this tree. So, I stood very still near the tree. 30 minutes and 100+ photos later we decided to continue our hike. But it was a a delightful experience. At times they would zip by me -- just two or three feet from my head. Often they would land and sit still for a portrait. Here are some of those photos:

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