Saturday, March 19, 2011

Patagonia Lake - Part III

There were a large number of Yellow Rumped Warblers at Patagonia Lake -- many of which were juveniles. There are two sub-species, the Audubon's and the Myrtle. We found both on our hike at Patagonia Lake. The Myrtle is more widespread, being found throughout North America. The Audubon's is found only in the Western US, Canada, and Mexico. Like most small birds -- especially warblers -- the Yellow Rumped is usually moving through the trees making it challenging to get a good photo. Occasionally, they will perch on twigs, so patience is required. They are primarily insectivores but will eat myrtle berries (which is how the name came about). They often flit about like flycatchers in search of insects. They like coniferous and mixed woodlands. 

Audubon's Yellow Rumped Warbler

Myrtle Yellow Rumped Warbler

Myrtle Yellow Rumped Warbler

Myrtle Yellow Rumped Warbler

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