Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wild Turkey's at The Azure Gate

I have mentioned before that I have seen just about everything that can be found in the Sonoran Desert -- right outside my office. I was remembering this morning another morning in March three years ago. Christine was sitting at my desk. I was also in the office but in one of the chairs, when Christine said, "There are some really big birds in our (unpaved) driveway." I started thinking, maybe the White Winged Doves have arrived. (White Winged Doves come here in March or April nest, having their young and leave in September. They are much larger than the Mourning Doves that are here year round.) She continued, "These are really big birds!" I don't remember exactly what I was doing, just that I was comfortable and wasn't really ready to get up again. I am generally not a "couch potato", so curiosity got the better of me, and low and behold I get up and see three wild turkeys outside the office door. I grabbed my camera, but as soon as I opened the door they started walking away, so my best shot (above) was the first. I should note that this was unusual. Wild Turkeys tend to like mountain forests. We are probably a good 8 to 10 miles (as the crow -- or turkey flies) from the Catalina Mountain forest. I wonder if I'll see anything unusual today? Gobble, Gobble.

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