Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So What Happened in the Chiricahuas?

First the birds. The best was a female Elegant Trogon. Trogons typically migrate to the Madrean Sky Islands of Southern Arizona in March and stay for the Spring and Summer. They often nest in holes of Sycamore Trees. This female let me get close for a photo, but then took off up the mountain.

Female Elegant Trogon
 The Black Headed Grosbeak and Cardinal are more common in Southern Arizona:

Female Black Headed Grosbeak

Male Cardinal
 The Blue Throated Hummingbird, another migrant, is a typical summer resident of the Chiricahuas, the Huachucas, and occasionally the Santa Ritas (although not in large numbers):
Female Blue Throated Hummingbird
 This Red Tailed Hawk posed nicely for me:
Red Tailed Hawk
 As did this Raven:

1 comment:

  1. Great shots....some really nice, special one of a kind birds. Nice viewing!
