Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lizards - Part II

Lizards react -- or don't react -- to humans in a variety of ways. Some, like the Zebra Tailed Lizard, run away so quickly it's very difficult to photograph them. Others, like the Desert Grassland Whiptail, will run ahead of you five to ten feet then stop. If you continue, they'll run another 5-10 feet. They will continue to run straight ahead of you, not thinking it might be easier for them to "get away" by running into the brush along the side of the trail. The Desert Spiny Lizard will stand still and do "push ups." It looks like they are trying to "flex" their muscles to scare you away. I suspect it has more to do with taking in more air to pump themselves up and appear larger. Then, of course, there is the Gila Monster that will walk -- ever so slowly away from you. And, there is the Collard Lizard like the one in the first photo that seemed perfectly content to sunbathe on a rock not moving an inch.

Collard Lizard (Sabino Canyon, Arizona)

Crevice Spiny Lizard (Wupaki National Monument, Arizona)

Desert Grassland Whiptail (The Azure Gate)

Desert Spiny Lizard (The Azure Gate)

Desert Spiny Lizard (Sweetwater Wetlands)

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