Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learning Wildlife Photography

So, there I was at the Grand Canyon's edge with 53 million other people. Okay, that's an exaggeration, it was probably not more the 45 million. Anyway, I am there looking for California Condors. After a couple hours of staring up in the sky, (and feeling dizzy with a little pain in the neck) I spot two Condors coming my directions. I get so excited as they pass overhead, turn to see if I can get a couple more photos and swiftly without a moments notice fall on a bolder and down I go. $1,500 damage to my lens and camera. And cuts and bruises up and down my leg and arms. And, if that weren't bad enough, I had my family with me including son-in-law Andy, who is an avid outdoor spokesperson for the Sierra Club. They were at the visitor's center while all of this was taking place. When they got back to the Jeep, there I was, covered in blood. Oh well, I can laugh about it now. But there is a lesson: Pay attention to your surroundings. Always, always know exactly where you are. So, here you have it: a not very good $1500 photo.

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