Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carnivores: Bobcats - Part IV

Back to Bob. One of the first Bobcats we saw here at The Azure Gate was this guy:

Like other occasions, this Bobcat walked by my office, stopping to drink from the water bowl. I immediately grabbed my camera, but had to wait until he moved away from the door before I could go out and get a photo. I was able to get several photos as he went about his business. Didn't seem like he was in much of a hurry, though. He walked across the driveway (above photo) glancing at me as he walked over toward a six foot wall at the edge of our property:

And then with more grace than any animal I have ever seen, jumped over the wall. Actually, jumped doesn't do justice to what I saw.  Flew would be a better term. It just seemed so effortless as if just taking another step. After jumping the wall, he walked along the fence-line taking another look at me before disappearing:

Seeing a Bobcat is very special. Usually the time goes by pretty quick -- a couple of minutes maybe. But the two seconds when he jumped that wall will remain a memory for a lifetime.

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