Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dabbling Ducks

A "Dabbling Duck" is a shallow water duck that feeds primarily along the surface of the water or by tipping headfirst into the water to graze on aquatic plants and vegetation. These ducks are infrequent divers and are usually found in small ponds, rivers and other shallow waterways. Dabbling ducks also forage on land for seeds and insects. Physically, they have flat, broad bills and float high on the water while swimming and they tend to be very vocal birds. Some of these Dabbling Ducks seem to "dabble" more often than not. The Northern Shoveler for example is usually got his head under water so you only see his tail. In terms of distribution, the Fulvous Whistling Duck is only found in the southernmost parts of Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. The Mexican Mallard is only found in Southern Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. The Eurasion Wigeon is only found in the northern Pacific. The Cinnamon Teal is only found in the Western United States. All others (Mallard, Gadwall, Northern Pintail, American Wigeon, Northern Shoveler, Blue Winged Teal, and Green Winged Teal are found throughout North America.

American Wigeon
photo taken at Harriett Lake, Oregon

Eurasion Wigeon
photo taken at Union Bay, Washington

Blue Winged Teal
photo taken at Mercer Slough

Cinnamon Teal
photo taken at Sweetwater Wetlands, Arizona

Green Winged Teal
photo taken at Padilla Bay, Washington

Mallard Duck
photo taken at Mercer Slough, Washington

Mexican Mallard
photo taken at San Pedro River, Arizona

Fulvous Whistling Duck
photo taken at San Pedro River, Arizona

photo taken at Union Bay, Washington

Northern Pintail
photo taken at Davis Lake, Oregon

Northern Shoveler
photo taken at Sweetwater Wetlands, Arizona

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