Sunday, May 23, 2010

Other "crawling" Things

Guests who haven't stayed with us or been to Southern Arizona before often ask about Tarantulas and Scorpions. We were "introduced" to both within the first month we were here (eight years ago). Christine was vacuuming one of our rooms and lifted up the window curtain and found a large Tarantula -- as she tells the story, the size of a school bus. She screamed for help because she didn't want to leave the Tarantula, after which a game of hide n' seek would be necessary. I came with a dust pan and broom,  scooped him up, and put him outside where he belonged. I must admit now, after several years and many encounters that the Tarantula's reputation is a bit overblown; probably has something to do with movie making. Tarantulas are really quite beautiful, slow moving, and docile animals. Wonderful to watch walk up a wall (outdoor) for example. Not more than a week or so later, Christine and I were listening to music in the living room when a Scorpion (the second photo to be precise) came walking through. This was the first Scorpion that I had ever seen. I regret that my immediate action was to "kill" it. But, because we run a Bed and Breakfast, we decided we couldn't have Tarantulas and Scorpions running around inside the house. So we have the entire house treated (along the outside) once a month. That has stopped anything from "crawling" inside.

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