Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to Miller Canyon, Again

Christine and I headed out early this morning to go to Ramsey Canyon. When we got there the road had been washed out. We had drenching monsoon rains last night, so all the washes had water and creeks were overflowing. So, we decided to go to Miller Canyon. Not only more wonderful hummingbird photos but a wonderful surprise as well. Yesterday, I told you that the Ruby Throated Hummingbird was only found in the East. On the Sibley's Guide map, there aren't any dots for Ruby Throated in Arizona. But, take a look at this:

Usually, I don't take photos on feeders. But, this was a special occasion. He was the only one, and was not around long. There are four hummers with red throats: Plain Capped Starthroat (which has a long wide stripe between eye and throat); Anna's (which has a red crown as well); the Ruby Throated; and the Broad Tail (which has a white eye ring, white line from chin to eye to neck, and buffy flanks). I'll show you some other hummers from this trip tomorrow.

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