Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Staying with the Canines one more day, this time Foxes.  Like Wolves I don't have a lot of photos to show for my efforts. And, for sure, some might say, "Well, I have a better Fox photo than that!" I certainly wouldn't doubt it. Foxes are in some areas, like Bobcats are here. They just show up in your backyard on occasion. So, many people lucky enough to have Foxes in their backyard often will (should) have some great photos. In the eight plus years we have been here in Tucson, a Desert Grey Fox and a Kitt Fox have come into our backyard once each (that I know of). The Grey Fox at night so no possible photo. The Kitt Fox drank from the water bowl and quickly walked away once he saw me (with my camera). I did get a photo of his backside. Also like the Bobcat, you can't really go out looking for them, the way you can Bighorn Sheep, Bear, Moose, etc. It just happens -- and usually very quickly. So, if you don't have camera ready, as they say in The City, "Forget about it." Story One: Christine and I were driving in Northeastern Oregon (the Joseph area). There was construction and single lane traffic with no place to pull over. What did we see? A dozen or so cows were grazing when a Fox came a little too close. Three young calves started chasing the Fox in our direction. What a wonderful photo that would have been. Shorter stories: 1) we were hiking in Sabino Canyon when a Desert Grey Fox ran across the trail and up a hill. Again, I wasn't quick enough. Only got a photo of his rear half; 2) Grandson Noah and I were headed up Mount Evans in Colorado when a Red Fox crossed the road in front of us. Noah saw him as he went up the hill. I lost him after he crossed the road; 3) I was traveling early one morning in British Columbia on my way to Kamloops when I saw a Red Fox in the middle of a farm field. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds, but when I got out of the truck to take photos, he took off running. The photos were psychedelic  -- blurred. I kept them for several years but now gone; 4) I was in Montana and saw what was probably a Red Fox at sunset. I was no more than 20 feet away, but still got blurry photos. (I had the wrong film in the camera). Now, the Photo Story (also short). I was leaving Yellowstone National Park headed out past Cooke City (Montana) toward Soda Butte. I took a dirt road along Woody Creek and saw this Grey Fox running through the snow. Here he is folks, the only "decent" Fox photo I can show you:

Addendum: 12/4/10

In going through my loose photos I from the two foxes I was referring to:

The joys of trying to photograph wildlife when the animals are running.

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